full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amy Padnani: How we're honoring people overlooked by history

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I cannot wait to see this thing come to life. Something like 25 different publishers have reached out to me with interest in turning "Overlooked" into a book. All of this clearly shows how timely and necessary this project is. It's also a rnmeeidr of how newspapers document what's happening in our world every single day, and we have to make sure not to leave out key people. That's why, even though it's been so meagfunnil to look back in the past, I'm plagued with the lingering question: "What about the future of oiierbuats -- how do I diversify those?" That was my oriiangl problem, right?

Open Cloze

I cannot wait to see this thing come to life. Something like 25 different publishers have reached out to me with interest in turning "Overlooked" into a book. All of this clearly shows how timely and necessary this project is. It's also a ________ of how newspapers document what's happening in our world every single day, and we have to make sure not to leave out key people. That's why, even though it's been so __________ to look back in the past, I'm plagued with the lingering question: "What about the future of __________ -- how do I diversify those?" That was my ________ problem, right?


  1. meaningful
  2. obituaries
  3. original
  4. reminder

Original Text

I cannot wait to see this thing come to life. Something like 25 different publishers have reached out to me with interest in turning "Overlooked" into a book. All of this clearly shows how timely and necessary this project is. It's also a reminder of how newspapers document what's happening in our world every single day, and we have to make sure not to leave out key people. That's why, even though it's been so meaningful to look back in the past, I'm plagued with the lingering question: "What about the future of obituaries -- how do I diversify those?" That was my original problem, right?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
york times 3
sock puppet 2
reader submissions 2
computer programmer 2

Important Words

  1. book
  2. day
  3. diversify
  4. document
  5. future
  6. happening
  7. interest
  8. key
  9. leave
  10. life
  11. lingering
  12. meaningful
  13. newspapers
  14. obituaries
  15. original
  16. people
  17. plagued
  18. problem
  19. project
  20. publishers
  21. reached
  22. reminder
  23. shows
  24. single
  25. timely
  26. turning
  27. wait
  28. world